Of Marriage and Fatherhood


Hello again, net-dwellers. It has been ages since I post anything in here. To be super honest, I have lost the courage and will to write anything lengthy since eight years ago. Let's not dwell into that, shall we! Let's talk about life, marriage, and career from now on. First thing first, marriage.

In 2016, I married a woman armed with a ferocious stare. Up until today, I never knew any specific reason why I fell in love with this particular woman. All I can remember is the bi-weekly five hours drive, the stale taste of R&R iced-coffee, and the 150 km/hour microsleep.  Every Friday, my trusty 2015 Perodua Alza will brace the North-South Expressway. I've lost count of how many caffeine I've consumed, how many signboards I've criticized, and how many flings I've shown to other drivers. All those hours singing to Fly Me to The Moon, Stand By Me, and Marry Me, have finally paid off when we tied the knot on 2/12/2016. My best and only birthday gift.

Now comes the golden question.

Why marry?

Marriage is when you are on the road with your hands glued to the steering wheel, you look to your left and you exchange a quick smile with your wife and nods toward your daughter, and you look to see this little soul that stares back at you with a god-sent smile, you know why. A moment like this is the perfect answer to the ever haunting question.

A well-functioning family is hard to achieve, but having the chance to leading one is the greatest gift from God. I'm not His best creation, but to be blessed with something so beautiful is beyond my understanding. In 2017, I set my foot into the realm of fatherhood. I still remember the gruesome seven hours of waiting and staring outside the labor room in Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim. I will never forget the first time I lifted a 'bundle of joy', wrapped in pink drape, doing nothing but resting peacefully in my arms. That was the best day of my life, second to none.
